1st International Magic Festival in La Vall d’Uixó

"La Vall és màgia", a show that will surprise you.

From 28th to 30th April, the magical city of La Vall d’Uixó was transformed into the epicentre of amazement and illusion with the celebration of the First International Magic Festival.

This unprecedented magical event proved to be a resounding success, captivating people of all ages, filling the air with laughter, applause and an indescribable magical energy that dazzled audiences with the incredible skills and amazing tricks they witnessed.

Discovering National and International Magicians

For three unforgettable days, Vall d’Uixó attracted fans, onlookers and experts from all over the world to enjoy this festival that brought together 12 renowned national and international magicians, recognised and multi-awarded.

Among the participants were:

  • Patxi, two times world champion in street magic.
  • Civi Civiac, also a world champion in this category.
  • Brando y Silvana offering their show in different countries.
  • Giselle, winner of the Latin American World Magic Prize.
  • Jean Philippe, two-time champion of the French national magic championship.
  • Cliff the Magician, a professional magician with a show performed entirely in English.
  • Martilda, who has been trained at the Escuela de Magia de El Escorial in Valladolid.
  • Lola Mento, actress, magician and polypathetic clown.
  • Kayto,multi-awarded in magic and clown.

With their tricks and shows they created a festive atmosphere that was palpable in every corner of the city, filling the streets with colour and joy. From illusionism to escapism, close-up magic to grand illusions, each show was a unique and thrilling experience that left passers-by speechless.

Orbit: the young Vallera promise

In addition to the performances that took to the streets as a stage, the festival also included a spectacular final gala in the Leopoldo Peñarroja auditorium with the eagerly awaited performance of the Vall de Mallorca illusionist Orbit, creator and director of the “La Vall es Màgia” festival, demonstrating his great experience on stage, generating laughter and amazement in a stunning staging with his show “Acero“.

An artistic and cultural offer

The first Vall d’Uixó Magic Festival proved that magic has the power to bring people together and transport them to a world full of fantasy and wonder. It was an opportunity for all magic lovers to share their passion and discover new ways to marvel, in turn.

With the success of this first edition, we are sure that this event will become an annual event awaited by all, as it not only allows diversifying the artistic and cultural offerings, but also supports local artists.

Don’t miss the next edition and join us in this adventure full of excitement and surprises!