Through the Spanish Civil War fortifications

"El fortí de la Cova" Bunker

In addition to sport and nature, walking the paths of La Vall d’Uixó offers heritage attractions such as Muslim towers and castles or remains of our military history that are worth to visit. The case of the XYZ Line corresponds to a cultural resource related to the historical and military heritage of the Spanish Civil War. All this war heritage is recognised as an Asset of Local Relevance (BRL) and is currently being enhanced from a tourist point of view throughout the territory that still preserves remains of this military conflict.

This defensive belt, the XYZ Line, was a linear fortification that ran between Almenara and Cuenca for more than 150 kilometres. This construction was completed in 1938, during the Civil War (1936-1939), by the Republic Army, that decided to build it to prevent the advance to Valencia of the General Franco’s coup troops.

An itinerary through all the XYZ Line remains has been signposted in La Vall d’Uixó: the XYZ footpath. An easy 5 km-trail where trenches, machine gun nests, shelters, a bunker and other heritage remains forgotten for more than 80 years can be visited.