Archaeological site declared an Asset of Cultural Interest. The settlement of Sant Josep, located on the top of the hill of the same name, was built in the Iron Age, although it had its period of greatest splendour during the Iberian period (between the 6th and 2nd century BC) and at the end of the Roman Empire (between the 4th and 5th century AD). The settlement includes a small walled enclosure protected by quadrangular towers, of which three bases are still preserved.

Vista aérea yacimiento arqueológico
Aerial view of the Iberian settlement of Sant Josep
Interior of the archaeological site

The wall was built with masonry, a work made with uneven and tightly fitted stones. Although only 20% of the settlement has been excavated so far, this site is a magnificent example of Iberian urban planning, preserving a good part of its acropolis, a large part of the wall (more than 40 m), three square towers, streets, stairways and other remains of great historical importance.

How to get there

To reach the site, you can walk up the staircase located next to the entrance to Coves de Sant Josep, in Paraje de Sant Josep.

After 120 steps you will see the Holy Family Hermitage on the right hand side, from where the guided tours start, and at the end of the square begins the metal walkway that leads to the free viewpoint. We recommend you leave your vehicle in the free car park at Paraje de Sant Josep and walk up to the site.

Guided tours

You can get to know the interior of the settlement in depth through the guided tours offered by the Vall d’Uixó Tourist Info. These tours are usually carried out in Spanish. For further information, please contact: vallduixo@touristinfo.net

Visitas guiadas
Guided tours

Rock Art and Iberian village

We are now also part of the regional project for the Valorisation of Rock Art, so once a month we offer a special visit linked to the Rock Art inside Coves de Sant Josep. This visit is normally carried out in Spanish. It includes, for the same price, a visit to the Coves de Sant Josep wharf and a guided tour of the archaeological site.

With an approximate duration of 2 hours of visit, in this activity you will discover the findings of the different archaeological campaigns both in the Coves de Sant Josep and in the Iberian settlement of Sant Josep. More information: vallduixo@touristinfo.net

Arte rupestre
Coves de Sant Josep wharf