On the last Saturday of every month you will have the opportunity to discover the paintings, engravings and other prehistoric finds at the Coves de Sant Josep wharf, which date back to the Palaeolithic period, around 17,000 years ago. This period is characterised by slight changes in stone tools, bone and antlers, as well as parietal art and furniture (representations made on fragments of bones or horns).

Afterwards, you will go up to the archaeological site Iberic Village of Saint Josep (Poblado Ibérico de San Josep) , located above the entrance to Coves de Sant Josep. This settlement dates from the Iberian period (6th-3rd century BC), although it has several periods of occupation.

With an approximate duration of 2 hours, the visit consists of going to the Coves de Sant Josep wharf, without taking the boat tour, where we will learn first-hand about all the discoveries made during the various excavation campaigns. We will then go on a guided tour of the Iberian settlement Poblado de Sant Josep with a maximum of 15 people.

Visitors should arrive at the entrance to the Coves de Sant Josep 10 minutes before their scheduled time of visit. 

Total price for both visits: 3€/pax. Children under 13 years old do not pay admission.