San Antoni Abad Hermitage

The hermitage dedicated to San Antonio Abad and Santa Bárbara is located on the outskirts of the town, some 214 m above a small hill in front of the Paraje de Sant Josep.

This simple temple was built between the 17th and 18th centuries. It is a small hermitage with a rustic air, with a more modern enclosure attached to the left to accommodate pilgrims. The interior is rectangular with masonry walls.

The façade is rectangular, topped with a bell and a cross. The lintelled door is framed by irregular yellow voussoirs and above it there is a ceramic altarpiece with the image of San Antonio Abad on which can be read: Ermita de San Antonio. Restaurada el 17-1-1972.

You can get there on foot from the car park at Paraje de Sant Josep, following the signs for Senda XYZ (Route 1). It is 800 m from the Coves de Sant Josep car park along a dirt track.

On 17th January, the festivity of San Antonio Abad, protector of animals, is celebrated with a pilgrimage that starts at the Ermita de la Sagrada Familia with the image of the saint carried on the shoulders. After mass and the blessing of the animals, lunch is served in the surrounding area.

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