The traditional gastronomy of the Vall d’Uixó is very rich and varied. From spoon dishes and savoury recipes for popular celebrations, to typical sweets of Muslim origin fill our recipe books.

Cafetería PalasíParatge de Sant Josep, s/n964 66 00 08Especialidad arroces
Rte. La GrutaParatge de Sant Josep, s/n653 67 07 03 Carta, especialidad tapas
Cafetería Tapas & TaponesParatge de Sant Josep, s/n964 66 00 08Heladería, bocadillos,hamburguesas
Rte. El GuanoAv. Jaume I, 59964 66 32 20Carta y Menú. Especialidad brasa y pescado.
Café Gaudí – GastrobarC/ Sanchis Tarazona, 5964 69 18 58Cocina mediterránea, Gastrobar 
Rte. El PatioC/ Pati d’Adobers, 2665 18 10 26Menú. Especialidad bocatas y tapas. 
Rte. VerandaC/ Mosen Ricardo Miralles, 4964 69 09 84Cocina mediterránea, Carta
El PecatC/ Dr. Severo Ochoa, 21, B964 05 37 18Menú, especialidad tapas 
La Bodina GastroclubPl. del Mercat, 4632 002 023 Cocina mediterránea, Carta
Casa EladiaCtra. de Segorbe, 13,964 69 18 97Menú y carta, bocadillos
Rte. San Isidro-MonpiedraAv. Cor de Jesús, 1615 97 24 55Cocina mediterránea. Menú
Rte. La CiacC/ Rosario Creixat, 16634 40 08 10Comida casera. Menú y carta
Rte. el TorreóPol. la Travessa, C/ menorca 31617 68 42 20Especialidad arroces. Menú
Rte. EncantoPl. del Mercat, 4 Local 2.964 810 337Arroces por encargo. Carta,menú y menú Infantil
Hong Kong Asian FoodAv. España, 3964 66 26 11Comida asiática
Rte. Club de Tenis UxóPasseig de les Grutes, 2964 66 38 36Almuerzo, comida, cena (lunes no), Terraza, Hamburguesas – Arroces
Cervecería MesieC/ Dr. Severo Ochoa, 10658 372 695Especialidad tapas, platos combinados y bocadillos.
Bar L’ErmitaC/ n’Octavi Ten i Orenga, 14604 16 58 74Tapas, bocadillos
Bar MaisAv. Suroeste, 11964 66 46 50Tapas, bocadillos,platos combinados
Bar Obelix – BocateríaC/ Benigafull, 48615 28 92 71Bocatas, hamburguesas, platos combinados
La Taberna Del PinchoAv. Sudoeste, 36648 24 81 30Bocadillos, Tapas
Bar TierrasecaC/ Sagunto, 67964 04 07 08Almuerzos
Bar BrasiliaC/ Ramón y Cajal, 3, bajo964 66 36 16Platos combinados, bocatas 
Bar CasablancaAv. Cor de Jesús, n° 70600 86 64 85Platos combinados, bocatas
Bocateria DeportivoC/ Salvador Allende 11 bajo964 81 31 85Tapas, bocadillos, hamburguesa vegana
Bar La BoleraC/ Benizahat, 31620 97 52 45Menú. Especialidad almuerzos
Bar Arco IrisAv. Corts Valencianes, 31675 25 89 25Tapas, bocadillos.
Raco De TinaC/ n’Octavi Ten i Orenga, 57964 66 33 15Tapas, bocadillos 
Bar La PlaçaC/ Guitarrista Tàrrega, 51 Almuerzo, cenas
Cafetería JossmiC/ Salvador Cardells, 15964 66 30 14Tapas, bocadillos
Mesón Los TitosAv. España, 23 Almuerzo,tapas, bocadillos
Bar-Rte BocaburguerAv. Suroeste, 45964 66 41 26Comida casera. Menú
Bar La Oficina 85C/ de Valéncia, 28635 49 64 19Tapas, bocadillos
Bar Hermanos PérezCtra. de Segorbe, 85654 61 37 11Bocadillos, tapas, vinos
Bar Los PucherosC/ Andalucía, 69964 66 14 94Menú, carta. Especialidad hamburguesas
Bar La ClaveAv. Cor de Jesús, 111652 98 05 03Comida casera, bocadillos 
Bar Justa By MayteC/ Ntra Sra l’Assumpció, 80964 04 89 91Tapas, platos y bocadillos
Bar GadeaCtra. Segorbe, 65964 66 20 86Tapas, bocadillos. Especialidad carajillos y café
Bar Dos BarriosCtra. Segorbe, 17 Bocadillos, tapas. Menú
Rte L’AnohueretC/ n’Octavi Ten i Orenga, 16964 04 93 49Almuerzos y comidas
Bar Ávila 2Grupo La Unión M 20-1-9632 00 20 23Almuerzos. Carta.
Soque Vermutería Pl. del Mercat, 4964 82 07 69Bocadillos. Menú y carta. 
Bar El RogetC/ de Salvador Allende, 6964660274Tapas, hamburguesas
Rte Racó Casa TerePl. Parque, 6964 66 44 51Comida casera, tapas.
Bar AlabamaC/ Salvador Cardells, 11634 40 53 60Almuerzos y Bocadillos 
Bar La CuevaTravesía, 2695 78 88 62Bocadillos 
Bar La FuenteCtra. de Segorbe, 106622 34 78 95Almuerzos
Bar L´AlcudiaPl. de Sant Josep, 1665 78 70 25Comida mediterránea 
La MurallaPz. España, 48D687 88 54 04Hamburguesas
Bar AguilarPl. Gómez Ferrer, 8601 21 77 21Tapas, hamburguesas
Cafeteria El ParcPz. Parque665 96 49 77 Almuerzos, tapas
Don GiovanniC/ del Pare Melià, 17964 66 54 06Comida italiana. Para llevar.
Boca ParkC/ Salvador Cardells, 2613 65 86 39Bocatas, cafetería
Pizzería L´AlpinoC/ Doctor Severo Ochoa, 25964 69 10 56Comida italiana. Servicio a domicilio
L’Horta, Cuina ConscientC/ Miquel V Arnau Abad, 6964 69 79 18Comida vegana. Menú y carta.
Pizzería La Toscana Av. Agricultor, 26, Bajo Dech964 84 42 26Comida italiana.Menú 
Pizzería El OlivoPz. España, 49964 69 01 52Menú de L a V (terraza)
Pizzería GiuseppeC/ n’Octavi Ten i Orenga, 27643 01 98 48Comida italiana
Kebap EstambulAv. Agricultor, 44 964 04 80 91Kebab y pizzas.
Fresh doner kebabAv. Agricultor, 42964 66 65 06Kebab y pizza. Servicio a Domicilio
Kebab pizza kevinsonCtra Segorbe, 99964 96 48 45 Kebab y pizza. Servicio a domicilio
Burguer KingAv. d’Europa, 7638 00 71 70 Hamburguesas
Pub Minimal C/Salvador Cardells, 17685 41 68 22 Cócteles y copas
Carmela disco pubC/Salvador Cardells, 27625 40 25 40Cócteles y copas
Zeppelin Music pubC/Pati d’Adobers, 1636 91 95 01Cócteles y copas

Traditional dishes: between the Mediterranean and the Sierra de Espadán mountain range

Arroz al horno

In addition to Valencian paella, there are other dishes of Mediterranean influence such as arroz del senyoret, fideuà or baked rice, also called «arròs passejat». This «arroz paseado» is so called in the Valencian territory because, as it was not very common in the past to have an oven at home, people used to prepare it and take it to the bread oven to cook it, «walking» it around the village.

This dish, which is one of the tastiest rice dishes in the Levant, was traditionally made with the leftovers from the stew, using the leftover meat, chickpeas, potatoes and broth. It is therefore a truly humble dish that is currently very popular with rice lovers.

Gastronomy in popular festivals

As well as the typical «xocolatà» and sobaquillo dinners, coca de tomata, which in Vall d’Uixó is common to find uncovered, or the typical barrets de tomata (tomato pasties) are traditional dishes that are widely consumed in our popular festivals.

However, the dish par excellence of Vallera gastronomy that cannot be missed on the table at any fiesta is the classic «empedrao«. This is a hearty stew made with pork, rice, mashed beans and game meat, especially rabbit or hare.

Slightly lighter is the classic «caldereta de bou«, a delicious stew of bull’s meat also known in other localities as «tombet de bou». It is also made with potatoes, vegetables such as carrots and onions, wine and spices such as paprika and bay leaf. This stew is traditionally prepared for Vall d’Uixó’s main festivities held in August: Les Penyes en Festes.

Estofado de toro
Caldereta de bou

A little sweet to finish


Another delicacy, in this case sweet, prepared to celebrate saints’ days, baptisms, communions, weddings and local festivals are the «manjòvenes«. These typical sweets of Muslim heritage are hollow doughnuts covered with sugar. They are also known as «rotllets de mica».

Other sweet dishes include ‘panellets‘, ‘prims en figues‘, ‘coca de llanda‘ or ‘coca mal feta’, ‘coca de vidre‘ and the widely known ‘coca de tomata‘, in this case uncovered, which is prepared on a dough made with flour, water, oil and beer.

The Municipal Market

But if we talk about gastronomy, it is essential to mention the Municipal Market, one of the nerve centres of our city.

edificio mercado
Interior del Mercado Municipal de la Vall d'Uixó

Opening hours:

  • Monday to Thursday:  7h- 14h.
  • Friday: from 9h to 15h and from 17h to 20h.
  • Saturday:  7h-14h.

This building, although recently refurbished, dates from 1975 and covers 4,000 m2. With two floors of commercial activity, here you can find all kinds of local products: fruit and vegetables, salted and canned foods, fresh meat and fish, and even gourmet products. Visitors can shop here while benefiting from the personalised and friendly service of the professionals.

Taking advantage of new technologies, a 24-hour click&collect point has also been installed. These refrigerated lockers are located outside the building and are used to collect online purchases. There is therefore the possibility of making purchases at the Municipal Market via the website www.compralavallduixo.es and then collecting them at these refrigerated lockers outside business hours.

But this place, apart from being a very important commercial centre for the city, is also an authentic example of urban art. Thus, in the fish market area you can admire various works by local artist and architect Jairo Manuel Paulo Maireles.

Weekly Market

It is also worth mentioning the weekly non-sedentary market which takes place every Friday from 8am to 3pm. This itinerant market, which is held in the Plaza del Mercado, has more than 200 stalls that attract a large number of curious onlookers and shoppers. It is the second most important street market in the province, where you can find a wide range of products: from fresh food to textiles, accessories and footwear.

Mercado ambulante
Mercado de los viernes en la Vall d'uixó

Discover our most traditional recipes

If you are thinking of trying any of our delicacies, you can try cooking them yourself at home. Here are the recipes for our most representative dishes:

Receptes de cuina

Recepta de coca de carabassa amb anous

COCA DE CARABASSA AMB ANOUS Tota una delícia tardorenca… La coca carabassa és un brioix típic de la Comunitat Valenciana, on el producte principal, la carabassa, és especialment popular en la gastronomia de tardor tant

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Recetas de cocina

Receta de coca de calabaza con nueces

COCA DE CALABAZA CON NUECES Toda una delicia otoñal… La coca o bizcocho de calabaza es un bollo típico de la Comunitat Valenciana, donde el producto principal, la calabaza, es especialmente popular en la gastronomía

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Recetas de cocina

Receta de los pasteles de boniato

Los pasteles de boniato o pastissets de moniato Toda una tradición otoñal e invernal… Estas empanadas tipo pastel, rellenas de boniato, son habituales en muchos de los municipios de la Comunitat Valenciana, aunque también conocidos

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Recetas de cocina

Receta de la manjòvena

La manjòvena Un postre tradicional sinónimo de festividad… Entre una gran infinidad de deliciosos platos que puedes encontrar en la Vall d’Uixó, también ofrecemos una amplia variedad de postres típicos, entre los cuáles destacan sin

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Coca de tomate
Recetas de cocina

Receta de la coca de tomate

La coca de tomate El plato más popular de las fiestas… En los momentos de reuniones familiares o entre amigos, si se quiere agasajar a invitados con algo de picoteo; o simplemente prepararlo como almuerzo,

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Recetas de cocina

Receta de la paella

La paella, un plato que cruza fronteras… Este plato declarado Bien de Interés Cultural Inmaterial es uno de los más emblemáticos y reconocidos mundialmente de la gastronomía española. No hay turista que no sucumba ante un buen

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Castelló Ruta de Sabor

To find out more about the gastronomy of the province of Castellón, we encourage you to visit the website specialising in gastronomic tourism: Castelló Ruta de Sabor. Here, as well as a guide to gastronomy, you can also consult a gastromap of the province with the most typical products of each area: wines, liquors, cheeses, oils, and much more. 

Establishments in the Vall d’Uixó region that are members of Castelló Ruta de Sabor: